The NbS Dashboard

NbS Database
An interactive database to categorise NbS and provide to stakeholders in nature-positive investments a systematic tool to record, monitor and report outcomes.
Business Builder
Develop a ‘Menu of Good Governance’ options and a ‘Library of Stakeholder Engagement’ to provide mechanisms for establishing, expanding and maintaining corporate participation in NbS.
Data Analytics & Underwriting Engine
Provide the tools and methodologies for calculating costs, benefits and impacts of NbS-investment.
The NbS Dashboard
BIOFIN-EU aims to bridge the information gap between potential providers of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) and mainstream finance and the Dashboard plays a crucial role in realising this goal.
The NbS Dashboard organises NbS into clear categories, helping to establish effective governance frameworks and identify associated financial tools and business models.
The Dashboard comprises three modules:
- NbS Dashboard
- Business Builder
- Data analytics & Underwriting Engine
NbS Database
An interactive database to categorise NbS and provide to stakeholders in nature-positive investments a systematic tool to record, monitor and report outcomes.
Business Builder
Develop a ‘Menu of Good Governance’ options and a ‘Library of Stakeholder Engagement’ to provide mechanisms for establishing, expanding and maintaining corporate participation in NbS.
Data Analytics & Underwriting Engine
Provide the tools and methodologies for calculating costs, benefits and impacts of NbS-investment.

NbS Database
An interactive database to categorise NbS and provide to stakeholders in nature-positive investments a systematic tool to record, monitor and report outcomes.
A data platform incorporating high quality Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services data from heterogenous and multiscale NbS sources.
Gathers best practices for ecological restoration and the tools used in successful restoration of biodiversity and environmental conditions using:
- Literature Reviews and Expert Inputs: (e.g. best practices and tools for ecological restoration and BIOFIN-EU partner expertise).
- Biodiversity Data: (e.g. scientifically validated scores for NbS tools’ biodiversity impact, effectiveness, and cost-efficiency)
- Biodiversity/Environmental NbS Impact Decision-Tree based upon various conditions (e.g. nature management actions, landscape level restoration and rewilding projects, nature-friendly farming and nature inclusive urbanisation)
The Database involves a systematic process of gathering information, engaging with experts and stakeholders, and synthesising findings to identify and promote the most effective NbS for ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation.

Business Builder
Provides mechanisms for establishing, expanding and maintaining corporate participation in Nature Based Solutions.
The goal is to understand the factors influencing investors’ behaviours regarding investment and savings activities, particularly focusing on the characteristics of biodiversity data.
It consolidates diverse data from the Dashboard and offers a structured approach to assessing the contributions of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) within the Technical Screening process and its associated mitigation activities.
The Business Model Builder will provide stakeholders with a ‘Menu of Good Governance’ options and a ‘Library of Stakeholder Engagement’ that will provide a mechanism for establishing, expanding and maintaining participation in nature-positive investments including an access point for NbS providers and promoters.
Within the Business Model Builder will be:
- A ‘Menu for Good Governance’, which will provide stakeholders with guidance on designing structure and oversight on often complex multi-actor transactions (e.g privately funded citizen participation in water quality projects etc.) and
- A ‘Library of Stakeholder Engagement’, which will provide prospective NbS to rapidly deploy tools and instruments to ensure they can implement multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in a rapid and transparent manner – thereby lowering transaction costs and unlocking the flow of finance.

Data Analytics & Underwriting Engine
Provides the tools and methodologies for calculating costs, benefits and impacts of NbS-investment.
A user-friendly dashboard that incorporates financial tools and models for assessing the characteristics, costs and expected impacts of NbS investments to support analysis, reporting and communication requirements of NbS-investors.
The analysis of biodiversity impact from specific initiatives, will aid in developing and testing a framework to evaluate and measure the value chain of various biodiversity initiatives, ensuring accurate and transparent calculations of return on investment and risk.
The risk calculation will be enhanced through the use of predictive modeling to quantify potential risks linked to a specific biodiversity investment.
The reporting and analytics engine will offer access to reports and analyses presented in tables and visualisations. Gathering requirements from key stakeholders, including financial institutions, will inform the design of this engine. The objective is to provide these stakeholders with reliable, automated, and transparent data tools, offering trusted insights into biodiversity initiatives and enabling both individual and comparative analytics.