ILSI Europe

Contact info

  • Country Belgium
  • Short name ILSI

About ILSI Europe

ILSI Europe is the European branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), a global, non-profit federation. We do collaborative science for safe, nutritious and sustainable food. Our mission is to develop, communicate and disseminate​ science-based guidance to tackle food, public health, and sustainability challenges.

We facilitate collaboration and consensus building between academic, industry and public service experts. Our fit-for-purpose deliverables in the domain of food safety, nutrition & health, sustainability and food security are peer-reviewed publications, guidance documents, workshops, symposia and more.

ILSI Europe's role in the project

ILSI Europe will be involved in coordinating collaborative activity with agri-food sector industries and contribute to the multi-actor approach being used in WP4 (Biodiversity-Linked Decision Support: From Data to Financing​) and WP5 (Financial Instrument Design & Business Model Innovation​). BIOFIN-EU activities and outcomes will be communicated and disseminated through ILSI Europe’s network (WP7: impact maximisation).

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