Business model design to redirect financial flows for water conservation and water quality
NbS Action
Protect and restore Natura 2000 site
Description of the Learning Site
The LIFE Brenta 2030 project responds to the problems of lack of governance and financing and to the environmental impacts of drinking water abstraction in the Middle Brenta area (Northern Italy).
NbS uses water pricing to promote good governance through planning, participation and development of an effective governance system, while implementing a pilot funding mechanism for water resource and biodiversity conservation through water pricing.
Economic valuation (quantitative) and governance structures (qualitative) data will be available to the BIOFIN. Datasets comprise outputs from the analysis of impacts and pressures on and by the Integrated Water Service, the definition of NbS measures that could prevent such impacts and the integration of the costs associated with such measures into the drinking water tariff.
BIOFIN will extend from the methodologies set up and applied in the LIFE Brenta project to identify the infrastructure required to increase the scale of private financing. This will consider; NbS categorisation, streamlining of data sharing capabilities and creating close alignment with the reporting requirements of the SFT.
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