Learning Site | Pipiripau Basin, BR

Pipiripau Basin, Brazil

NbS Governance Structures, Water Quality & Population Health

NbS Action
Soil and road conservation; forest protection; use of sustainable technologies for agriculture and the rational use of water; environmental education to the local population; revitalization of irrigation channels; monitor projects’ actions, water quality and quantity data.

Description of the Learning Site

Since 1997, there have been several initiatives that cover the creation of schemes to finance water quality and related ecosystem services, from soil conservation to flora protection support actions.

Individual or legal entities must maintain, restore, or improve the environmental conditions of ecosystems. This is funded by up to 0.2% of the water and wastewater utility (concession) operating revenue (from tariffs); as well as financial contributions from other entities.

This LS provides BIOFIN with data underlying costs and outcome data (ES, public health, economic activity, economic preferences and valuations) that will be a useful benchmark when designing equivalent private finance models. Historical data on NbS selection will also inform which procedures and related criteria (and descriptors) worked, and those that did not.

BIOFIN will examine the design and implementation of funding models and their associated governance structure to identify their effectiveness in supporting water quality and the potential pathways for private finance. BIOFIN will extract design principles from LS2 to understand decision-making priorities, monitoring costs and potential transaction size for utilities and large corporations who could act as NbS-providers.

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Francisco Pinto

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Produtor de agua no Pipiripau


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