Initial User Requirements

How the economic valuation of ecosystem services influence financial decision-making. An initial user Requirements Roadmap.

This report highlights key economic insights that help explain how Nature-based solutions support ecosystem services and the valuable benefits we get from biodiversity. It also explores how these values are recognized within the economy and by people and businesses who rely on ecosystems. 

In the final section, a “Requirements Roadmap” is presented that outlines what financial decision-makers need to consider when making lending and investment decisions to support nature and sustainability.

Key Highlights:

  1. Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) and Ecosystem Services: NbS manage, restore, and protect ecosystems while benefiting people by providing ecosystem services.
  2. Biodiversity’s Value: The value that biodiversity has in the lives of all organisms, and particularly in human beings.
  3. Economic valuation of ecosystem services: putting a monetary value on ecosystem benefits to highlight their importance for human well-being and society.


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