The BIOFIN-EU project kicks off its second year!
Let’s explore the journey of the BIOFIN-EU project so far, the milestones reached and how they can bring us closer to delivering practical solutions to establish a strong ecosystem for private investment in Nature-based Solutions (NbS), tackling global environmental challenges while aligning with international sustainability frameworks.
This first year has been all about preparation: gathering knowledge, building relationships, and developing tools that will create the enabling conditions for nature-positive financial decision support and investments.

Looking Back: A Year of Progress and Impact
A Promising Start
In a groundbreaking effort to address the urgent challenge of biodiversity loss 13 leading experts and stakeholders from 10 different countries are coming together to explore innovative solutions that unlock financial flows towards biodiversity conservation. Kicking-off in Brussels, in February 2024, the BIOFIN-EU project, aspires to revolutionize the redirection of financial resources from destructive economic activities towards nature-positive investments for biodiversity and promote a symbiotic way of living between humans and the environment.

Engagement and expansion of the Learning Sites
The BIOFIN-EU Learning Sites (LSs) play a central role in the project providing real life situations to test and validate different nature-based solutions. A highly interactive workshop with consortium partners was held, to validate the contribution of the LSs to BIOFIN-EU’s objectives. With the number of LSs increasing from 8 to 10, a clear framework was developed, to facilitate effective communication and coordination among the LSs and manage potential workload.
Categorising Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to support decision making for financial investments
To enable BIOFIN-EU to align and integrate NbS approaches with financial decision-making, BIOFIN-EU partners established a basic framework of typologies for NbS. This is a key preparatory step for enabling mainstream finance towards NbS, which will be achieved through the development of a BIOFIN-EU dashboard. The next step that will be taken is to further define the requirements for the Dashboard.
Initial Biodiversity and Ecosystem Valuation Classification
A comprehensive framework for valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) has been established by BIOFIN-EU partners to support the development of financial solutions that address societal challenges. It forms an overview of how ecosystems provide various services to humans and how NbS and biodiversity impact these services.

Biodiversity Data for Financial Transactions
Fundamental to the dashboard and many of its features and functionalities are biodiversity and environmental data. BIOFIN-EU partners have already set the ground for the methodology and framework to adopt for collecting and integrating biodiversity data into financial transactions and highlighted the context and significance of biodiversity related data in enabling financial transactions towards NbS, both from an opportunity and risk perspective.
Branding and Outreach
In addition to its technical advancements, BIOFIN-EU has actively participated in various conferences and workshops to share its vision and engage with a broader audience. These events have provided a platform to:
- Showcase the potential of the NbS Dashboard
- Highlight the project’s goals and early progress
- Foster connections with other stakeholders, including researchers, investors, and policymakers
By presenting BIOFIN-EU’s work at these events, the consortium has strengthened its visibility and created opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange, ensuring the project’s impact extends beyond its direct participants.
Through the concerted efforts of its diverse partners, BIOFIN-EU is poised to make significant contributions to the field of biodiversity finance, paving the way for sustainable investments that protect and restore our natural world.
Stay tuned as we take the next steps in this exciting journey!